In the second round of #IntegrationInGlobalization we tackled gender mainstreaming for global education within the scope of SDG 4.7. This is in order to enhance the bridge between research on integration programs and its end users. You can take an overview of our methodological frame work below: Seminar on gender mainstreaming in research design of research on integration programs
Aim of the seminar: capacity building of global competences within the scope of SDG 4.7 from the lens of gender mainstreaming through sharing experiences from personal and professional lives within an intercultural context.
Participants: participants who are researchers, NGOs members and migrants with refugee status. 15 to 20 participants. The exercises can be modified according to the number of participants.
Length: 180 minutes. Recommended break: 30 minutes.
Ice breaker-name game: you ask the participants to walk randomly in the room while keeping social distance. When you say stop the participants shall form a group of the number you indicate. For example, three people or four. People who are not affiliated to any group shall say their names with a move or sound that represents them and leave the game. You continue the exercise till all people have the turn to say their name and make their move or sound.
Team building activity, “beyond gender”: print visual photos that are abstract and can be interpreted differently by different people. Stick a number at the back of each photo from 1 to 4. Ask the participants to observe these photos and pick a photo that represent gender and gender justice to them. After each participant pick one photo you ask them to check the number in the back and to make a group with people who has same numbers. In the sub group you ask them to present again themselves and names and to explain why they picked this photo. You ask each sub-group to share among themselves their expectations and needs from attending this training, their potential contributions and the challenges they think that they might face. You ask each group to give a summary of common points regarding expectations, contributions and challenges to the wider group. You prepare rules of the group trusting and team working regarding privacy, active listening and you ask the participants if there are any further rules that shall be added or respected.
Gender mainstreaming of integration programs: you start with a visual presentation of the concept and the five principles of gender mainstreaming: 1. Gender-sensitive language 2. Gender-specific data collection and analysis 3. Equal access to and utilization of services 4. Women and men are equally involved in decision making 5. Equal treatment is integrated into steering processes. Recommended resource:…/ge…/principles/five-principles.html
you present the following sub themes in connection to integration programs between migrants and locals in the Slovenian society. You distribute the subthemes as A4 prints in different locations in the room. Suggested subthemes: 1. Integration programs to promote social cohesion, interculturalism and combat xenophobia 2. Integration programs for children access to schooling and education 3. Recognition programs of knowledge and skills of refugees 4. Integration in labor market 5. Language programs 6. Measures taken for housing of refugees. You ask the participants to stand in the spot of their interest. You form with participants sub groups of two to three people. In the subgroups, the teams have tasks. These tasks are to discuss the concept and the importance for each program or topic within the scope of integration. You ask them to share about concrete programs or measures they took part in or they know about. You ask them to analyze the structure and the implementation of this programs from the lens of gender mainstreaming, how it affects man, women and children differently? They identify the strength points and what could be done better in order to enhance the aims and the importance of these programs. You can prepare the set of questions and distribute it to the subgroups to ease their process of discussion and team work. It is important to clarify for the participants that they can add to the questions or share extra information according to their experiences. After subgroups work finishes you ask each group to present to the wider group their findings. You facilitate the discussion by giving time for presentation while giving the space for questions.
Self-reflection on self-contributions: print out a series of questions to assist the self-reflection journey of each participants of self-contributions. This is an essential part to finalize the previous activity and prepare a mind-set for further solution-oriented group work. Reflecting on the experience: think about how you felt or thought during the conversation? What did you experience during the conversation on the certain topic of your choice? What changes appeared in your thoughts or emotions during the conversations? What are the reasons of these changes? Reflecting on learning: What are the things that you realized that you know? What are the things or new feelings you experienced? How these new things can be useful to you? What other gains you gained in this experience like new information or ideas? How these new gains can be an assist to your personal and-or professional life? What are the things you contributed with in the conversation? What can be more to be contributed with from your side? What more ideas you can share now after you know what resources and or support you can gain from this group?
Subgroup work on solutions: you ask the participants to come back to their initial groups. you distribute the following questions printed on A4 papers as follows:
For groups who decide to work on research:
Choose one issue or challenge to work on from your previous subgroup topic.
What could be a title of a research that can bridge the gap between Asylum policies and its implementation?
Target groups
What are the target group(s) who will benefit from this research? How it would be beneficial to them?
What are the needed methodologies for the achievement of this research? What ethical research principles it would follow?
Stakeholders and resources
Who are the stakeholders who we need to achieve this research?
Channels and methods to reach target groups and stakeholders?
Impact and significance
Why this research would be significant? what problems it might contribute in Solving?
Where the research would take place and an approximate timeline to achieve it?
For groups who decide to work on social initiatives or NGOs work:
Choose one issue or challenge to work on from your previous subgroup topic.
Think of a possible solution or an initiative to overcome this problem in Slovenia.
What is the title or slogan of this initiative or solution?
Who is the target group? Who will take part in the implementation? Who will be the recipients or the direct participants of these activities?
Who are the partners that you need to complete this initiative? Partners from institutions, bodies or individuals?
What support does the implementation of this initiative or solution require?
Why should we support or implement this initiative or solution? What are the desired results and impact in short and long term?
After the finalization of subgroup work, you ask each group to present their initiatives or research idea to the wide group. You open the space for the wide group by asking about who is interested in taking part in this idea, how you think you can support it? Do you have any questions? Do you have any advices or ideas for the further development of this research idea or intuitive or program?
You wrap up the presentation by summarizing key findings and points and announcing a space for further networking as lunch networking or coffee networking after the group work. You ask the participants about ideas or suggestions on how to create a channel to keep further communication between the members of this group like emailing list, WhatsApp or Facebook groups.
Evaluation: you ask the participants to come back to their subgroups in the team building activity “beyond gender” you prepare a set of questions for each group to analyze and evaluate each activity. Did it meet my expectations and or need? Something I learned? Best part? Something that could be done better? What was the best activity and why? What activity could have been designed or implemented better? Open the space for wider group evaluation and for anonymous evaluation through online or offline forms.